Wednesday, October 8, 2008

The weekend before last was the General RS Broadcast. Our stake received tickets and each ward got 17... Since my roommate is the RS President, I got the hook ups.... Actually we do not have very many sisters in the ward, so I got one without any problems.
Since we couldn't take pictures during the conference, I took a couple of shots of all of us who came----about 15 minutes before it started.

Recap: I loved President Uchtdorf's talk. One of my friends has been having a hard time seeing her worth. She has only been a member of the church for a little over a year. She comes to us with many tears wanting to know if she is a good person. So when President Uchtdorf said, "Our spledid sisters focus more on what they are lacking and not on what they have accomplished...", we all looked at my friend and she was crying. Our leaders are inspired to share the lessons we need to hear the most.

Because of work, I was not able to hear any of General Conference, but we are so blessed with modern technology. I'm going to download as many talks as I can and put them on my iPod and listen to them while I'm doing stuff around the house.

Another event that happened a few weeks ago was when I went with my ward to the Sand Dunes at the Little Sahara Dessert. It was so beautiful. One of my friends brought up all of his toys, which included 2 mini dirt bikes. I have never ridden a dirt bike before, so I did not know how they worked. My friend taught me and off I went. I had not gone 20 feet before I fell to the right while going around a tree and my back tire went right out from under me and I landed on my right shoulder. This happened 10 minutes after we got to the Dunes. As you can see, I didn't fall very far, but it hurt.

My friend made a sling out of two ace bandages and I was pumping IB Profien for the next two days while we were at the Dunes. I actually had a lot of fun. I learned that I've taken advantage of having two limbs. I have since been to the doctor and found out that I did not have any broken bones, but damaged my rotator cuff. I got a real sling and let my shoulder rest for a couple of weeks.

I have since started at the new Olive Garden here in American Fork, UT as a server. I was worried that I wouldn't be able to start with my shoulder, but it just needed a lot of rest. It's still sore, but I exercise it everyday and it gets better with each day. I have been able to sleep and I love that I don't wake up in the middle of the night with pain because I rolled over on my right side. I'm a side sleeper, and I prefer my right side, so the last 5 weeks have been an interesting time getting used to my left side and my back.
I am also applying to the North Bennett Street School in Boston, MA. I hope I get in to start there next August. Wish me luck on that!

Laughing Yet?

Laughing Yet?